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How to create a dating profile worthy of a swipe right

The secret to attracting love into your life is to just be you, if you focus on filling your cup of joy up each and every day your energy becomes an irresistible magnet of love, so just be you and enjoy the dating journey.


How to create a dating profile worthy of a swipe right....

I get it not everyone likes to have photos taken of themselves or have to sell themselves on a dating profile but the truth is whether you are on a dating app or standing face to face in a coffee shop one way or another you are selling yourself to impress the opposite or same sex, so we might as well embrace the process and trust that the right person is just as excited to meet us as we are them nerves and all.


It is important to know that when you are attracting your person in there are 3 things as humans that we look for to help us qualify our matches.


1.Warmth and trustworthiness: We want someone who looks like they're kind and caring and can provide space for us to be heard, provide emotional support and have belief in is, these qualities are so incredibly important in a relationship.


2.Vitality and attractiveness: It's not just about 'sex appeal' or being physically attractive to someone, It is also that people look like they have a zest for life and are confident in their own skin, on an unconscious level we look for a partner who seems healthy, so we won't need to worry about them developing future chronic conditions and then there is the desire to have children.


3.Status and resources: A connection that goes the distance will not be interested by material items, It's really not about the flashy car, the big bank account, or the big mansion near the beach, what we are looking for is someone who can provide for us long term if we go on to have a partnership or family together.


Click the link below to learn how to create a killer dating profile.



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Events and Retreats are the perfect way to put yourself out there and meet your potential future soul person, you just never know

who you might meet.


Lack confidence and need a little more 1:1 support with your dating journey, then let's jump on a connection call together and

explore what level of support.

that you need.


Fast track your dating journey with Fit4love's online courses that are designed to help you transform your mind, body, soul and your dating journey from single and into a relationship.

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Robina, Gold Coast, Australia

© 2019 Proudly created by Liz Avis Designs ( Also the person who will be coaching you in your wellness goals )   

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