A little story about me
Hi my name is Liz, I am the Director and founder of The Energy Bar, and your Body Mechanic Health Coach ready to help you tackle your goals.
I must say that I am very excited to share with you a little on my journey as a personal trainer along with my very own personal health evolution on what true wellness is beyond conventional medicine.
The last 18 years has seen me passionately transforming the lives of people all around the world with their wellness goals and I must say that I have enjoyed every little step that I have taken as it has led me to creating The Energy Bar which represents so many layers of the health paradigm that we need in our daily lives as a form of health insurance.
Firstly a little bit on me I am a mum to a 10 year old son who just lights up my world and shows me each day what the true meaning of love and life really is, I am also a personal trainer with a few unique gifts, one of them being that I can read the energy of the body to the extent that I can see and read past, present and future events, I am also a Master Reiki Energy Healer and I use this in my training sessions to help shift pain in the body along with E-motion Yoga which uses neurogenic tremors to help re-calibrate the body by activating the neural pathways of the body.
These very modalities are the tools that have helped me to create The Energy Bar, along with Nutrition and Break-free Mindset Coaching. Collectively each modality is designed to help promote positive energy flow within the body so that you can be living a life at optimal vitality and thriving in all that you do.
If you would like to read more on how I went from bedridden to well again using an advanced healing modality then please click the button below " Journey Back to Health" this is my biggest WHY I am so passionate about helping in the wellness industry as there are so many different ways for us to succeed at life if we are open to it.