Liz is on a mission to help singles get off the dating treadmill and enjoying quality, fun, loving connections.
Fit4Love was created to help singles get more connected with themselves so they can mirror that back into their relationships...
+ So much more..
My goal is to help you fengshui your Mind & body so that you are not only looking and feeling your best but you have confidence in your connections and living your best and true authentic self.
About Me
Hello and Welcome to Fit4Love
Well, were do I start !! Firstly, welcome it is so nice to meet you and secondly.
To be truly vulnerable and raw with you all because that is what being in a relationship is all about, Fit4Love was conceived based on my very own looking for love journey, you see I was not modelled what a healthy relationship looked like in my childhood, I then repeated the same trauma my parents went through in my own marriage with my ex-husband which led me on a path towards my biggest growth of learning how to love all the parts of who I am.
I was a big mess before I decided to leave my husband, in fact I was at my lowest point in my life in a bedridden state unable to care for myself or my son after being diagnosed with a rare disease that affected my digestion system, reflecting back I feel I subconsciously manifested this rare disease into my body simply from not being happy in my marriage and in life in general...
I WAS AT ROCK BOTTOM looking for a way to slow down in life, and well my wish was granted nothing says slow down than a healthy dose of reality.
In 2015 I left my husband to heal my body, I knew this was the only way to live my best life and be the best mother possible for my son and so I did and I can honestly say that it was the best decision that I made as happiness was found for both of us on the bravery of me doing what both of us were to afraid to do.
We just were not compatible for one another; It was a trauma bonded relationship and after exploring who I am deep down to my core and going on to learn all there is to know about relationships and health I finally found me.
I now live near the beach on the sunny Gold Coast with my son we have a dog named Oreo and are surrounded by sea of friends who have now become our family and we honestly could not be happier; I am sure my person is just around the corner but for now boy it's so good to just love me first and be able to bring that person into a healthy relationship instead of one based around my childhood and adulthood traumas.
My role as your coach is to pay it forward with my knowledge, personal experiences and professional wisdom of 20+ years as a Personal Trainer, Life coach and also as an Epigenetic Health and Wellness coach...
You will be blown away by the game changing wisdom I have to teach you on how to be the healthiest version of yourself and attract the right relationships into your life through some of my simple bio hacking tools.
To learn more about how I can help you get Fit4Love then jump on a call with me and let's have a chat about your health and fitness goals along with your dating journey.
Specifically designed exercise programs that delivers results
Online coaching to help you stay accountable and on track.
Organic algorithms that get you connected and matched
A gentle rhythmic way to strengthen your mind & body
Connect to your sexual energy with yoga & dance.
Events that will help you find yourself & your perfect match
You will learn how to conquer
your health goals epigentically
Break-through coaching to help your succeed with life goals.
A tribe of loved up humans on the path of LOVE.
What We Do
Ready to Date Program
"Ready to Date" was created with the purpose of helping singles to feel more confident, connected and empowered to bring their best selves to their next relationship
True Love begins with oneself, and this is the first relationship that one must deeply fall in love with first before engaging in a long-term committed relationship.
Imagine going into your dating journey with a little more wisdom around who you are as a person and the person you are about to date? what if you were able to unlock the code of who you get along with better before you even begin dating...?
This is what we will be teaching you in our "Ready to Date" Program, you will honestly be blown away at how easy it can be to streamline your connections simply by understanding certain genetic attributes in others and within yourself.
Click on the link below for a connection call with Liz to find out more on how Fit4Love can help you get "Ready to Date" or begin your journey with my "Ready to Date" e-course